


document, mass communication document, mass media, convergence


The purpose of the article is to substantiate the trends in the evolution of the social and informational status of a document in the context of structural and functional modernization of mass media. To achieve the goal, the main tasks are to determine the role and significance of the convergence factors of mass media modernization, to establish the trends of developing the functional and typological structure of mass communication documents. The methodology of the research consists in using general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, logical approach, which has made it possible to substantiate the decisive significance of convergence factors in the modernization of the mass media system, to establish the characteristic features of the development of its functional and typological structure. The scientific novelty of the work is that the article elaborates upon the modern theory of the document about the role of convergence in modernizing functional and typological structure of mass communication documents. Conclusions. The development of the mass communication documents system takes place according to the transformational pattern, the decisive factors of which are convergence processes. There is a radical structural and functional modernization of the mass media, the primary manifestations of which are the expansion of the scope of traditional and the emergence of new mass media functions, the development of their typological structure, the rise of new types of documents.

Author Biography

Maria Komova

Candidate of Philological Sciences (Ph. D.)
Associate professor at the Department
of Social Communication and Information Science
Lviv Polytechnic National University


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