



flashmob, performance communication, action, internet


The purpose of the article is to investigate the phenomenon of flashmob as a new type of performance communication that is used to convey important political and social messages; classify existing types of this format. The methodology of the research includes general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, as well as cultural and sociological methods for revealing the sociocultural essence of the phenomenon of flashmob as a communicative form of the present. The scientific novelty of the work is to broaden the notions of flashmob as an operational means of manifestation of public opinion, in contrast to a rally or demonstration, which makes it possible to draw attention to a particular social problem. It is argued that the flash mob is a modern technology capable of implementing the organization of actions of citizens in the conditions of a metropolis due to the existence of network communications to carry out a particular activity. Conclusions. As a result of the study, it was found that flash mob is a fundamentally new type of modern performance communication that helps to overcome the marginality of being, and the formation of a person's subjectivity, which is open to the world and lives in harmony with it. The primary purpose of the classic flashmob is to surprise a casual viewer without causing him negative emotions. Proceeding from the above, the classic flashmob is quite rare nowadays. Planned actions cannot be perceived by the flashmob in its traditional plan, as there is a violation of its basic rules: spontaneity, lack of centralized leadership, lack of political, financial and promotional tasks, depersonalization and absolute refusal of media support.

Author Biography

Marina Pashkevich

Candidate of cultural studies,
Senior lecturer of the Department of Event Management
and Leisure Industry of the
Kiev National University of Culture and Arts


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