
  • Alla Sydorenko OP «Mykolayiv branch of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts», Ukraine
  • Irina Moskalenko Kiev University of Culture, Ukraine



documentation support, normative-methodical basis of documentation support, bodies of local self-government, united territorial community, system of electronic document circulation.


The purpose of the work. The research is connected with the study of directions for further improvement of the organization of work with documentation in local government bodies (for example, the Novobuzhsky district state administration of Mykolaiv region). The methodology of the research. In the process of research, the following scientific methods are used: analysis and synthesis, generalization. This allows us to analyze the process of organizing work with documents in the activities of local self-government bodies, and to organize work with documents of official use in the territorial authorities at a new level. The scientific novelty of the work consists in the identified areas for improving the documentation of the activities of local self-government bodies. The proposed structural elements of the model of organization of electronic document circulation (on the example of Novobuzhsky district state administration). Conclusions. As a result of the study, the directions of further documentary support of the territorial communities of Ukraine were  determined, in particular:  the active use of information and computer technologies through the formation and direct introduction     into the practical management of the electronic system of document circulation of incoming and outgoing correspondence, internal normative documents; application of innovative technologies in the areas of activity of local self-government bodies; control of archival institutions for the documentary support of the work of territorial communities.

Author Biographies

Alla Sydorenko, OP «Mykolayiv branch of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts»

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Irina Moskalenko, Kiev University of Culture

master student


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