
  • Alla Gotsalyuk Kiev National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



traditional culture, scientific ethnographic research, Hutsulshchyna, Carpathian region.


The purpose of the article is to analyze the main sources on the history of the traditional culture of Hutsulshchyna in the structure of development of scientific knowledge XIX - beg. Twentieth-century The methodology of the research is to apply system-structured, analytical methods for revealing scientific sources to history in the traditional culture of Hutsulshchyna, in particular ceremonies at the end; historical-chronological method - to study the dynamics of the modification of scientific studies of traditional culture. The scientific novelty lies in the systematic view of the source base of the traditional culture of the designated area at the end of the 19th century. The twentieth century in the interrelation with the development of scientific knowledge and the gradual separation of traditional culture as an existential space and the acquisition of the quality of the subject of scientific research. Conclusions. As a result of the study, the main stages of the accumulation of factual and theoretical data are established. The first stage is the 40-70s of the nineteenth century, when the process of the formation of ethnographic knowledge took place, the activation of the knowledge of the culture of the Highlanders of Ukrainian and foreign scholars. The second stage is the 80s of the nineteenth century. - the first third of the twentieth century, when the gathering and research activity of the members of the Scientific Society of them was deployed. T. Shevchenko. An overview of scientific literature can be used to state that the vast majority of scientific works concerned only descriptions of New Year's Eve holidays of the late XIX-early XX centuries. The problem of the development of traditional culture in the difficult conditions of communist ideology and militant atheism is not essentially developed in the field of theory and history of culture. There was a need to consider and explain the trends in the ethnic-culture of Ukrainians in Hutsulshchyna, one of the largest regions suitable for the revival of traditions, customs, rituals that would serve the aesthetic, moral, and artistic education, preserve the identity of culture. Various sources make it possible to trace the development of Christmas and New Year holidays of Ukrainians of Hutsulshchyna, to reveal processes of transformation of customs during the second half of the XX - the beginning of the XXI century. The historiography of this problem and the presence of a group of sources give grounds for broadening, enriching our knowledge on the development of the spiritual culture of Ukrainians of a particular region on the principles of objectivity and scientific analysis and interpretation

Author Biography

Alla Gotsalyuk, Kiev National University of Culture and Arts

Doctor of Philosophy,

Associate Professor of the Department of Event Management and the leisure industry


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