
  • Olha Anisimova Vasyl` Stus Donetsk National University, Ukraine



management information systems, information systems, management information technologies, business analytics, information.


Purpose of the article is to analyze the process of collecting external information in the integrated business intelligence system for the diagnostic industry of Ukrainian enterprises. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that for the first time the mechanisms of information management in the business intelligence system are highlighted. As a research task, the authors attempted to evaluate the information component of business intelligence systems. The functions of the integrated system of business intelligence indicators are highlighted. The types of capital with which the information model of intangible assets of business intelligence interacts are allocated. Conclusions. Using the business intelligence information model mechanism will significantly facilitate the implementation of business intelligence as a major axis in the production of companies ‘ competitiveness in a particular sector. In a dynamic business environment, there is a need for additional literature that is integrally and systematically linked to social efforts aimed at improving the competitiveness of the business through the introduction of intelligence strategies in relation to the company as an independent organization, with its own characteristics, abilities, values, knowledge, behavior and skills.

Author Biography

Olha Anisimova, Vasyl` Stus Donetsk National University

doctor of Economics, professor, Department of Information Systems Management


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