
  • Nataliуa Kovalchuk National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



documentation, library management, model, communication environment.


Purpose of Artcle. The purpose of the work is to highlight the conceptual model of the documentation support for library management, which will facilitate the effective work of the library institution in the conditions of its internal and external communication environments. Methodology. The methodology of the research was based on socio-communicative, system-activity, informational approaches. The author uses the modeling method, which makes possible scientific comprehension and substantiation of the essence, tasks, main components of the system of the documentary management of the library and to analyze the directions for their further development. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of the research is to determine the modern structure of the conceptual model of the documentation support for library management as the holistic documentary information system, taking into account the specifics of the library's activity and the need to ensure the interaction of its departments. Conclusions. Thus, we note that the establishment of the order of the movement of the document will ensure the preservation of the necessary document information, its rapid search within minimal time. Therefore, to the successful functioning of the library documentation system, the conceptual model must be introduced as a holistic software complex that will satisfy both the current and future needs of the administrative documentation and the implementation of the library's main tasks in a modern information space. In addition, it is important in the improvement of the qualifications for the heads of the institution and the heads of the library units, which will allow them to make the necessary decisions, coordinate the management activities, recorded in the documents, and increase the efficiency of the libraries.

Author Biography

Nataliуa Kovalchuk, National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts

PhD-candidate of the Department of Cultural studies and Informational communications


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