
  • Valeriia Vasylenko Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University, Ukraine




image, the institution of higher education, foreign experience, average growth rate, ranking.


The purpose of the article: to identify the formation features of international and national rankings as an integral part of a higher education institution image. The methodology of the research provides for the use of a number of general scientific and special methods of knowledge, in particular, the method of analysis and systematization of the scientific literature, logical method, monitoring, as well as the description and method of visualization of research results. The scientific novelty. The average growth rate of the number of Ukrainian students abroad from 2013 to 2018 has been determined. The presented indicators of the similarities and differences of the most popular and influential rankings of universities of the world, European and Ukrainian levels. Conclusions. It was determined that the borrowing and use of foreign experience is a necessary condition in the process of forming the image of the Ukrainian institution of higher education in modern information and communication space. The dynamics of change in the number of Ukrainian students abroad in relation to the total volume of graduates of Ukrainian schools is presented in dynamics. The calculation was carried out and the average (rate) growth rate of the number of Ukrainian students abroad from 2013 to 2018 students was presented. A comparative analysis of the top, most popular ratings of the SVR rating in the world, in Europe and in Ukraine was carried out. The main differences of the image formation models of foreign higher educational institutions are determined.

Author Biography

Valeriia Vasylenko, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University

Information Supply Officer


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