



The purpose of the article is to study the justification of the method of postulate extrapolation of documental information in the blogosphere. To achieve this goal it is necessary to perform the following tasks: to determine the features and resourcefulness of the method of postulate extrapolation of documental information in the blogosphere; to justify the concept of «synergetic paradigm of information interaction» as the result of the use of the method; to determine the requirements for the adequacy of the synergetic paradigm of information interaction; to choose and justify the empirical basis for the application of the method. The methodology is based on analysis, synthesis, and logical methods. The application of these methods made it possible to substantiate the method of postulate extrapolation of documental information in the blogosphere, to choose and justify the empirical basis for the application of the method. The visualization method was used to present the results of the study. The scientific novelty of the work is proposing and justifying the method of postulate extrapolation of documental information in the blogosphere. Conclusions. Based on the tools of semantic analysis of media content and social networks, a special method of documental information research are being developed. The method of postulate extrapolation of documental information in the blogosphere allows establishing the correlation of one or more features of the bloggers’ world (professional, educational,
gender) with the parameters of their posting (publishing activity, topics of posts, feedback). This will make it possible to formulate a reasonable statement. Formalization of links between subjects in the system «picture of the world of bloggers - content» in the form of the synergetic paradigm of information interaction gives the chance to identify authorship of content on a professional basis or other sign, to use technologies of management of information flows, and also to predict trends of influence of blogging of various social groups on public consciousness, the level of critical thinking and critical perception of reality.
Key words: blogosphere, blog, blogger, posting, postulate extrapolation, documental information.

