Transformation of the network of public libraries under the influence of decentralization




The purpose of the article is to investigate the changes that have taken place in the network of public libraries as a result of the reform of local self-government and decentralization of local communities. The methodology was based on the use of a set of special research methods (statistical, comparative, retrospective) and general scientific (analysis, synthesis, generalization and analytical-synthetic processing of information). The scientific novelty of the work lies in the expansion of ideas about the transformations in the network of public libraries of Ukraine under the influence of administrative reform Conclusions. He stated that the strategically important direction of the state regional policy of Ukraine is the reform of the library system. After all, libraries are one of the elements of quality development of human capital. It is determined that the functioning of a modern public library as an open institution depends on several factors - internal factors of organization (premises, fund, technical equipment, staff, etc.) and the external environment. It was found that information resources are an important potential and component of the strategy to improve many areas of human life, which is why keeping the community on the balance of a modern competitive library, thereby improving the spiritual, intellectual and material development of civil society. It is proved that the reform, influencing the internal structure of libraries, the organization of library and information services in OTG, at the same time provides all opportunities for creating collections for the urgent needs of the community, because the development of service infrastructure affects the cultural and educational level.

Keywords: community, decentralization, Yaroslav the Wise National Library of Ukraine, united territorial community, services, public library, reform.




