Competences of a Library Specialist as a Factor in the Formation of Innovative Media Space


  • Svitlana Khrushch



The purpose of the work is a systematic analysis, substantiation and determination of the key competencies of a library specialist, necessary for the successful implementation of innovations in the media space of modern libraries and improvement of the quality of user service. The work methodology. A systematic review of the literature was carried out, which analyzed scientific publications and studies related to the competencies of library specialists and their influence on the formation of innovative media space. An empirical approach was used, which includes surveying library professionals to collect specific data on their competencies and experience in implementing innovations in the media space of the library. Scientific novelty. The research is focused on the integrated analysis of the key competencies of the library specialist and the development of recommendations for improving the efficiency of library practices, taking into account the modern requirements for library work and rapid changes in the information environment. The article reveals an innovative approach to considering competencies as a dynamic tool aimed at actively introducing innovations into the media space of libraries, ensuring their adaptation to the challenges of the digital age. Conclusions. The key competencies required for a librarian in the age of digital transformation are highlighted, such as information literacy, digital media skills, and professional communication. Mastering modern technologies, in particular interactive and multimedia, allows a librarian to provide users with innovative services and meet their information needs. A systematic approach to competence development is proposed, including education, training and continuous professional development to ensure the relevance of skills. It is emphasized that the development of the competences of the library staff contributes to the improvement of the quality of user service and creates a foundation for innovations in the media space. Recommendations for the list of professional competencies that can be taken into account in the Professional Standard "Library and Information Specialist" in the context of the development of the innovative media space of libraries have been formulated.

Keywords: professional competence, digital literacy, professional development, library specialist, innovative library media space, digital librarian.




