Wine for controlled names by origin – new status quality in Ukraine


  • Е. Ж. Іукурідзе



controlled wine names by origin, legislation Ukraine, quality, classification of wines, the European Union


The article describes the results of the analysis of world title practice of organization of production of wines of controlled names by origin (CNO) for taking into account all the features in improvement of modern national legislative and regulatory framework.

The analysis of the legislative documents of the European Union (France, Portugal), New Zealand, Georgia and the New World, has shown that the formation of a system of producing high quality wines can not be implemented only within the regulation of wine production, it is necessary to create a basic legislative act which will unite aspects of viticulture, winemaking and support of grape-wine industry development as a whole.

In Ukraine the legislative documents for CNO category wines are the Resolutions: "Grape wines of controlled names by origin" and "Procedures of quality control of grape, production process, quality and identification of grape wines of controlled names by origin", which have been developed and approved with the participation of " Production and trading wine company Shabo" LLC. The company’s work in this direction is one of the effective tools for improving competitiveness in domestic and foreign markets and promotes the country's wine industry.

Implementation of this direction by the companies will strengthen the country's image as a winemaking country. However, some paragraphs on the current Regulation on CNO wines require further improvement.


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