Ingredients influence on the structural and mechanical properties of gel-like products for athletes


  • Н. В. Притульська
  • Т. В. Бровенко
  • Ю. Б. Міклашевська



спортивне харчування, драглеподібний продукт, пекти, , ксантанова камедь, в’язкість, гранична напруга зсуву


Gel-like products are the prospective tendency in new products for special dietetic purposes research. An important characteristic of gel-like products’ quality that defines their suitability for usage according to intended purpose is structural and mechanical properties. They must be stable to the influence of temperature and certain ingredients, especially organic acids. The expediency of combining gelling agents pectin and xanthan gum to stabilize the structural and mechanical properties of gel-like products for athletes was investigated. It was established that addition of 0.05-0.2 % of xanthan gum increases the effective viscosity and limiting shear stress of gel-like products on 38-62 % and 13.7-25 % respectively. The structure of gel-like products only with pectin collapses with addition of organic acid, it is accompanied with a sharp decrease of effective viscosity on 30-37% and strength of the system on 33 – 47 %. Gel-like products with addition of xanthan gum maintain the structure; their rheological properties stay practically unchanged. Dependence between xanthan gum concentration and system strength change in the time of heating was established: increase of the xanthan gum concentration in the system causes decrease of the temperature influence on its strength. The results of the undertaken study can be used to develop formulations of gel-like food products for athletes. 


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Нутриціологія, дієтологія, проблеми харчування