The study of the influence of lactic acid on the baker’s yeast quality enriched with micronutrients


  • Т. О. Овсянікова
  • Л. В. Кричковська



baker's yeast, lactic acid, storage, acidity, resistance, dough fermentation property, microorganisms


The article presents a review of the literature and own experimental data on the effect of lactic acid on the quality and terms of storage of baker's yeast, enriched with iodine and selenium. The aim was to study the effect of lactic acid on the quality characteristics and terms of storage of yeast.

The study used the yeast Sascharomyces cerevisiae, strain LK 14 from the museum of cultures of Kharkov yeast plant in the form of yeast milk, in which potassium iodide (GOST 4232-74), sodium selenite (TU 6-09-17-209-88) and lactic acid (GOST 490-2006) in an amount of 2 –6% of the yeast dry matter were released. Solutions of potassium iodide and sodium selenite were prepared immediately before releasing them and supplied to the yeast concentrate collectors and after 1 hour lactic acid was supplied inside.

To evaluate the physical and chemical indicators of yeast methods for the determination of acidity, dough fermentation property and resistance were used. These parameters were investigated immediately after control samples were produced and on 12th, 25th, 30th, 35th, 40th day. Biological purity of the yeast was determined by staining smear per gram.

According to the results of the experiment conclusions about the possibility of using lactic acid in production technology enriched baker's yeast were made.

It was defined that during the storage process the acidity of enriched yeast as compared to the control sample increased slightly, but remained within the parameters of rated values. The presence of lactic acid increases the yeast resistance in 1.09 times compared with the control and in 2.17 times compared with GOST. Acid did not have a negative effect on the dough fermentation property, all the values of determined indicator correspond to GOST. The presence of potassium iodide and lactic acid had an inhibitory effect on the foreign microflora and lowed yeast content by rods and cocci on 35.6 % and 42.86 %, respectively.


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Біопроцеси, біотехнологія харчових продуктів, БАР