Use of extrusion for processing of non-traditional raw materials


  • Б. В. Єгоров
  • Ю. Я. Кузьменко



extrusion, feed additive, the coefficient of variation, culture sediment


The current rates of the poultry industry growth need the following problems to be solved: expansion of the raw material base, use of unconventional sources of raw materials, cutting down the cost of fodder product manufacture and prevention and treatment of diseases.

Lately, both infectious and non-infectious diseases spread in poultry breeding, for treatment and prevention of which probiotic preparations are widely used.

We have developed a probiotic for poultry. During its manufacture, a by-product in the form of the culture sediment is formed. The culture sediment is characterized by a rich chemical composition and can bb used in production of fodder, but the constraining factor of its use is high humidity, which is a good medium for pathogenic flora development, and considerably reduces the storage life of production residues.

We propose to manufacture a fodder additive in order to solve the problem of the by-product disposal. The process provides for extrusion of the culture sediment mixed with grain components.

The research objective is to study the effect of the thermal treatment, specifically, of the extrusion process, on physical and chemical properties of the fodder additive using culture sediment. It is found that the extrusion process not only does not impair the fodder additive quality, but also considerably improves physical properties, enhances digestibility of the nutritive substance by digestive tract enzymes of the poultry, and significantly improves sanitation properties of the additive. The extrusion process enabled reducing of the moisture mass fraction of the fodder additive by 38,8 %, which is positive from the point of view of the prospects of its further processing and storage.


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