Labeling of organic meat products


  • Г. В. Крусір
  • Л. І. Короленко
  • А. В. Кіріяк
  • О. О. Чернишова



environmental labeling, еcolabel, organic products, environmental criteria, functional requirements, safety products, full life cycle of products


The main questions of article are devoted to ecological marking of organic meat production. In time when relations betweenUkraineand the countries of the European Union became more intensive, the segment of organic food demonstrates significant growth. Thus, for ensuring compliance of production to the specified characteristics, there is a need for objective experimental methods of determination of quality, safety and organic of goods. For this reason in article one of the most important stages of receiving a sign of ecological marking of organic production is development of a technique of determination of organic. The considerable attention is paid to a development stage of criteria of a technique and methods of their definition for carrying out the examination which purpose is the assessment of an organic of meat products. The list of indicators which in full characterize quality, safety, biological activity and naturalness of meat, etc. is reasonable.

 A pork of different producers was used as studied samples of meat production. The first sample has marking of the organic foodstuff, the second - the representative of farmer production, the third – unmarked foodstuff. The indicator of quality of samples is defined by an organoleptic assessment which is carried out by a commission of experts, complex indicators of safety is decided to define in the presence of toxic substances of the polar and non polar nature by a biotesting method, complex indicators of naturalness is estimated by means of the certified method of a biokristalization, biological activity of meat is characterized by the size of oksidize-recovery potential which determined by OVP-meter.

On values of evidence-based indicators of criterion of quality a high ball at pork meat that is marked by an organic label – 0,94 points, farmer meat of pork is estimated at 0,81 point, the pork meat assessment makes 0,5 points of a supermarket. Thus, on a ball rating of an indicator of criterion of the quality, the highest degree of quality and safety for the consumer belongs to production, whose producer has the license of the certified accreditation body for use of ecological marking. Results of the conducted researches testify to prospects of further improvement of a technique of ecological marking of organic production on the basis of criteria of ecomarking. 


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