Environmental safety of food products: definition


  • Р. І. Шевченко
  • І. С. Крестінков
  • А. С. Обухова




environmental safety, food safety, organic products, environmental efficiency, environmental safety of food products, life cycle assessment


In the given work the analysis of modern concepts which concern ecological safety of food production is carried. While using the methodology of life cycle assessment the concept of "ecological food safety" is defined, the analysis of its components is carried out and interrelations between them are considered. The offered definition gives the best, in comparison with existing similar concepts, understanding of an essence of an interconnection of food, environment, industrial and social the human activity and human health. Research of components of concept «ecological safety of food production» for the purpose of identification of all aspects of full life cycle of foodstuff and an estimation of their importance will give possibility to offer complex criterion of an estimation of ecological safety of food production on their full life cycle.


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Технологія і безпека продуктів харчування