freshly squeezed juices, beverages, vitamins, phenol combinations, biological activity, optimum recipeAbstract
The main condition of the normal functioning of a man’s boby is presence of the biologically active substances in a man’s food allowance. The aim of the given paper is obtaining of juice mixture (apple, carrot, beet, bleck-fruit ashberry) with оptimum content of physiologically active components. The review of literature sources has been made, the analysis of the chemical composition of fruit and vegetable and berry raw material has been carriden out.
The adequate daily norms of vitamins and minerals consumption have been given. The table of optimum recipe of freshly squeezed juices mixture,which provides maximum daily demand of an organism in vitamins and маcro- and microelements, has been presented. The results, obtained by the method of linear programming, have shown optimum composition of the мixture: apple juice – 17,5 %, carrot juice – 31,6 %, beet juice – 31,7 %, black-fruit ashberry – 19,2 %.
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