Natural resources management in the coastal strip of the Azov sea


  • В. П. Воровка Taras Schevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine



coastal marine zone, surf zone, paradynamic landscape system, contrast environments, interaction, optimisation and management of natural resources


The purpose of the article is to characterize features of the natural resource management in the coastal zone of the Sea of Azov taking into consideration natural and anthropogenic factors and to formulate a general vision of its integrated management.

The method is based on the analysis of normative and legislative initiatives of Ukraine in the field of the territory management, in particular coastal marine zones, analysis of planned and introduced economical and conservation projects and their efficiency, analysis of the global experience in the effective management of coastal zones with an attempt to transmit it to the Azov Sea coastline.

Results. During the 20th century, the strategic planning and management of land and water areas was grounded on an economical component. A resource paradigm in science and society has changed since then to environmental one thus requiring the search for new integrated management approaches, including coastal marine areas. The latter are characterized by a high density and variety of natural conditions and resources, being the basis for the formation and development of human economic activity. The conflict in the exploitation of coastal natural resources lies between their excessive use and development of the territory, causing depletion of the resources and disruption of ecological balance in the environment.

A significant diversity of natural conditions and resources of the Azov Sea coastal zone, high dynamism of natural processes, considerable anthropogenic development of the coastal land, high concentration of local population, and traditional practices of use of natural resources should be taken into account when planning management activities in the coastal marine zone. Analysis of introduced projects and programmes in the Azov Sea coastal zone in most cases has shown their economic and resource efficiency and effectiveness. However, these highly specialized departmental projects did not actually demonstrate an integrated approach.

In our research, we analyzed a global experience in the spatial scale for the implementation of a management system. It is proposed to focus on the natural-economic systems, which take into account both natural, and economic components and all types of interactions between them. In this capacity, the justified boundaries (the watershed line on land and 10 m isobath in the sea) of the Azov Sea paradynamic landscape system are advisable to use.

It is concluded that the legislative framework in Ukraine does not actually provide an integrated management of the coastal marine zones, and in existing reports and documents the information about the coastal zone of the Sea of Azov is virtually absent or sporadic.

It is proposed to introduce a system of legislative and executive initiatives for the regulation of use of natural resources in the Azov Sea coastal zone and for its integrated management.

Scientific novelty: application of the gained global experience in the management of coastal marine zones to land and water areas within the Azov Sea paradynamic landscape system.

Practical value: possibility to implement the global experience in the costal marine zone management for the Ukrainian part of the Azov Sea region.

Keywords: coastal marine zone, surf zone, paradynamic landscape system, contrast environments, interaction, optimisation and management of natural resources.

Author Biography

В. П. Воровка, Taras Schevchenko National University of Kyiv

PhD (Geography), Assistant Professor


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