Analysis of the structure of salon paired dance on the frontier of xix-xx centuries (on the example of «ballroom» group)


  • Svetlana Efanova



historical-social dance, salon dances on the frontier of XIX-XX centuries, Pas de Quatre, Mignon Pas de Grace, La Caprice, The Tom Tit, dance structure


Purpose of Article. The goal of the work is to analyze the structure of salon paired dances of ballroom group on the frontier of the XIX-XX centuries. While considering mentioned dances, the author put the target not only to open the specific of dance group culture of the pointed time but conceptually tried to form the material in such way that it would have methodical value. Methodology of the research is based on the combination of historical-stylistic and analytically- synthetic approach with the method of content analysis. Scientific Novelty. In the article on the owned level, the «ballroom» group of salon paired dances on the frontier of XIX-XX centuries is considered, among the famous representatives are Pas de Quatre, Mignon, Pas de Grace, La Caprice, The Tom Tit. Their structure is analyzed with the description of necessary tact and figures, which has the important theoretical and methodical meaning. Besides the author emphasizes on their weighty role they play in understanding the specific of historical-social dance, and also in an affirmation of the modern dance culture basics including Ukraine. Conclusions. Performed analysis of the salon ballroom dances structure of the pointed period testified that like that period society had the necessity in the renewal of plastic culture, in new dances and about the crisis of noble manners and tastes which was conditioned by the democratization not only of social traditions but also of structural and technical measures of choreographic art. On the example of salon paired dances is possible to note like the dance culture foundations of the future century were laid and which opened the great space for the further evaluation of other groups of salon paired dances among which «folk», «ancient,» and «american» salon dances are deserved a special attention.

Author Biography

Svetlana Efanova

lecturer of the Department of Ball Choreography of the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts


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