Genre variety of spectacles with animalistic images


  • Natalia Melnykova Master in Arts, second year postgraduate of Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts, Belarus



animalistic images, symbolism, animalistic, genre, genre variety


Purpose of Research. The goal of this article is to analyze genres of spectacles with animalistic images as a part of modern specifics in drama theatre in Belarus. Methodology. The methodological basis of the research is composed of special methods: observation, systematization, classification as well as structural and comparative analysis, which are realized by dialectical and complex methods, and method of source-study. Scientific novelty. The author turned to the research of the topic of the genres belonging to spectacles with animalistic images for the first time not only in Belarus but also in the whole Russian-language historiography. Conclusions. The modern theatre demonstrates the tendency to genre variety. The recourse to animalistic images on the stage at the turn off 20th - 21st centuries admits to apply them symbolically as an imaginative nature and allows to use animalistic one as a tool in creation of artistic image, which have given the theatre the opportunity to have an open dialogue with the audience. New genres in the drama theatre, which arose in Belarus at the turn of 20th - 21st centuries, demonstrates the search for rethinking of concept of the theatricality. It allows to lay a solidfoundation for attraction new spectators to the theatre, especially the youth, and to form successfully the interest and passion for theatrical arts in kids' mindfrom the early childhood.


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