Visual language of Colour: the author’s concept of comprehensive research


  • Svitlana Pryshchenko



color semiotics, aesthetics, visual culture, author’s concept, comprehensive research of the color.


The purpose of the article is to reveal the author’s concept of understanding the visual language and functions of Colour. The methodology is based on an interdisciplinary approach, which allows us to comprehensively study the color and determine its important expressive role in contemporary Visual Culture. Scientific novelty. The essence of a comprehensive study of color has been substantiated: its theory and practice, personalities, institutions, materials, and the impact of computer technologies. The interaction of color in Art, Design, Advertising, Science is proved. Considering the problems of special terminology, the illustrated glossary is proposed, which includes definitions of many components the color harmony, synergistic possibilities of color and its semiotic transformations, the main features of artistic styles, and a number of concepts of related industries. Conclusions. On the basis of art-historical, functional, system-structural analysis, the author proposes the presentation of concept the world achievements of a Colour Science. Comparative analysis of sites the design products, fashion, interior, advertising, web-graphics revealed a certain pretentiousness and current trends in the use of color information.


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