History root of Ukrainian romance in determination of performance principle to his interpretation


  • Lаi Yuege




ukrainian chant, music genre, madrigal and madrigal type, national character of the music.


The purpose given work is a history argumentation of the "entering" of genre genetic spanish romance in ukrainian artistic world with his forming on wave of the biedermeier and solo chamber vocal in him, inheritting traditions to have music of aristocracies of the Ukraine and national song cultures as a whole on her actual social-political directivity. Methdological base of the work forms intonation approach of the school B.Asafiev in Ukraine, with special separation genre-сstyle cоmparison and hermeneutics forshortening of the last, as this bequeathing great G.Adler, which directed studies Asafiev, as well as it was perceived and built in system music history hermeneutics in works Liu Binjang, E.Markova and others. Scientific novelty of the work is determined that that for the first time in ukrainian and chinese musicology musical history hermeneutic is attracted for explanation of the romance phenomenon in ukrainian music and straightening to concepts madrigal type of ukrainian romance as independent culture of the expression in composer and in performance practical person. For the first time in specified forshortening appear the tumblings from ukrainian lyrical chant to romance type and presence in it practical persons of the spiritual singing, honoure biedermeier and generation of T. Shevchenko, formed poem-romance preference in compositions and in performance art. The findings. Ukrainian romance as genre quality was defined in chronologies of his shaping from XVIII to XIX cl. on intersection spiritual lyric poets edging and european-actual " spanisms", which were historically brought forth with the end XVIII on the first half XIX centuries, saving early-operatic performance installation, going from madrigal border position of spiritual and worldly in art. Border situation of russian and ukrainian romances is determined chant headwaters that and the other, but with special accentuation of instructivity and philosophical contemplation in ukrainian romance, firmly saved the song-mаdrigal basis its lyric poets. Essential for Ukraine poem - admiring – orientation of romance figurativeness, inspired poem shall adjust of the poetries T.Shevchenko, culled and in heritage of Ossian, and in irish-briton headwaters to monastic poetry, supplied in due course art of the itinerant players on a kind of lute – bandore-players in parallel and in continuation creative activity bards-felleds. Accordingly, ukrainian romance contains mainly philosophical-inctructive hymn motives, which concentrate the facility of expressiveness in riverbed self-significant vocal type and has not that of autonomy to song-madrigal type, which characterizes other national romance layers creative activity. For ukrainian romance lyric poets specifically significant line romance-elegies and corresponding to mental mindset lyrics lachrymal penitent faith that dictates the corresponding to performance skills of acceptability from church singing traditions and spiritual forshortening tragic amorous lyric poets madrigal.


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