Semantic functions of the magic flutein chinese folktales


  • Li Yan



semantic functions, plot motifs, magic flute, magic item, Chinese folk tale, transformation, sacred chronotope, homo ludens.


Puspose of the article. The relevance of the study makes necessary the characterization of the semantic functions of a flute formed in Chinese fairy tales, in order to determine their significance in the composer’s and performing creative work of the Celestial Empire during the 20th–21st centuries at the subsequent stages of the development of the scientific thought. The aim of the paper is to determine the semantic functions of the magic flute in the structure and content of Chinese folk tales. The methodology is based on the interaction of semantic, structural and functional, typological types of the analysis, as well as the mythological and symbolic and intro- and extra-mythological approaches developed by O. H. Roshchenko [5]. Scientific novelty consists in defining: the semantic functions of the magic flute in Chinese tales (saving, protective, victorious, harmonizing, media, punishing, metamorphosed, confessional, monological; repositories of the sacred knowledge, the awakening of a love feeling, the voice of love; a magic item); characteristic plot motifs (making an instrument, kidnapping (abducting) a bride / a sister, searching for her, going to the other world, defeating the evil, liberation, restoring the world harmony), that are formed into a holistic magical story using a magical musical instrument. Conclusions. In a Chinese folk tale, the magic flute appears as a magical musical instrument with a dreamy, sacrificial female soul, natural mind, and a thirst for helping people. The time-space range of a flute confession in Chinese tales is endless. The mission of the flute is to sing the deeds of heroes, to be a living embodiment of the people’s memory. Chinese fairy tales about the magic flute are characterized by interplot connections, the law of displacement when the components of one fairy tale move to another. As a result of the analysis of the research material, it is proposed to provide an independent substantive status to Chinese fairy tales about the magic flute.


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