Distinctive features of stage acting experiences


  • Mykhailo Barnich




experiences, acting experience, consciousness, emotional reactions, imaginary process, thinking.


Purpose of the article. The research is conditioned by the scientific substantiation and understanding of the concept of "experience" of the actor in the role, which is an essential artistic component of the actor's art. The essence and peculiarities of the experience of the actor in the role as a phenomenon are not given sufficient attention not only in view of the emotional mechanism of the experience process but also in view of the scientific clarification of the very concept of human experience. Methodology. Methods of analytical and synthetic processing of sources are applied (in the study of phenomenological and psychological literature on the subject). The study also used a comparative analysis of the actor's role as a normal person. The basis of such comparison is the intellectual-emotional aspect of the actor's experience. The scientific novelty of the work is to clarify the concept of experience. For the first time, the scientific clarification of the concept of "the actor's role in the role" has been made. It is revealed that experience as a phenomenon that manifests itself in acting is its artistic component. Role-play is an emotional-intellectual state that is artificially triggered by the actor's imagination and psychotechnical techniques. Conclusions. Based on the review of philosophical and art sources, it is found that the problem of the actor's experience in the act of art is, first of all, a problem of scientific clarification of the concept of "human experience". In the course of the analysis of scientific sources on the concept of human experience, it is found that the peculiarity of the experience in the role (K. Stanislavsky) is that it, this experience (emotional and intellectual state) is caused, created by the imagination of the actor, it is found that the experience in the role - this is the created (artificially caused by the imagination and techniques of psychotechnics) emotional and intellectual state (process), about the actions of the imaginary person (character of the role).


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