Krajobraz stosunków przemysłowych i dialogu społecznego w obszarze poradzieckim
Słowa kluczowe:
industrial relations, social dialogueAbstrakt
In the article, in relation to industrial relations in the post-Soviet states, an attempt to consolidate two theses was made. The first one refers to the system-creating role of EU membership and finds confirmation in the situation on the Estonian, Lithuanian and Latvian arenas of industrial relations. The second thesis tells of the cultural and institutional mismatch of other post-Soviet states, which is illustrated by the examples of: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. Although these theses do not discover the new land, they are generally known - that is why they are given as theses and not hypotheses - but they are not cognitively empty and according to the writer, they still constitute an incentive for further completing the map of the land known for nearly thirty years as part of the widely understood post-soviet studies. The supplement proposed here refers to the characteristic features of the topography of industrial relations in the post-Soviet area.##submission.downloads##
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