Польські консервативні осередкипо відношенню до України у 90-і рр. ХХ ст.: концепції, бачення, перспективи


  • Konrad Świder Instytut Studiów Politycznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Польща

Ключові слова:

Poland, Ukraine, conservative groups, foreign policy, Polish Eastern Policy, Polish-Ukrainian relations


In Poland after 1989 – after regaining sovereignty and initiating the socio-political transformation – there are many concepts of Eastern policy, which was also the result of dynamic changes in the Soviet . The process of emancipation of the united republics accelerated in the period of perestroika and steadily progressed. Its final effect was the disintegration of the Soviet empire at the end of 1991. Therefore various groups and political trends in Poland formed different concepts and visions of the Polish Eastern policy. In discussions on its shape more and more attention was turned to Polish-Ukrainian relations. One of the trends in formulating assumptions on the Polish policy towards the post-Soviet area was conservative parties and groups. Within this ideological option, represented by many parties and groups, many – often conflicting – ideas and visions of the Polish policy towards Ukraine were formed. The objective of this article is to present an overview of these concepts – formulated in the framework of the conservative trend.

Біографія автора

Konrad Świder, Instytut Studiów Politycznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk

Конрад Свідер

Інститут політичних досліджень Польської академії наук (Варшава, Республіка Польща)






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