Antibiofilm activity of azithromycin against Staphylococcus epidermidis


  • Nataliia Hrynchuk Educational and Scientific Center "Institute of Biology and Medicine" of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Akademika Hlushkova ave., 2, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03127, Ukraine
  • Nina Vrynchanu State Institution "Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine" Antona Tsedika str., 14, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03057, Ukraine
  • Larysa Stepura Educational and Scientific Center "Institute of Biology and Medicine" of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Akademika Hlushkova ave., 2, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03127, Ukraine



biofilms, Staphylococcus, antibiotics, mechanisms of effect, adhesion, hydrophobic behavior, red Kongo, РІА


The aim of the study was to establish specific activity of azithromycin against the biofilm, formed by S. epidermidis and several aspects of the mechanism of the effect of this preparation.

The ability of Staphylococcus to adhesion on abiotic surfaces (polysterene plane-tables) was determined by Christensen methodology (fixation by 96 % ethanol, coloration by 0.1 % solution of gentian violet). The antibiofilm activity of azithromycin was investigated by the method of sorption of gentian violet on biofilm structures with further desorption in 96 % ethyl alcohol. The hydrophobic behavior of a strain was investigated using BATH-test in the two-phased system with ethylacetate. For determining the ability of epidermal Staphylococcus to producing polysaccharide intercellular adhesin (PIA) there was used Luria-Bertani (LB) agarized medium with 0,08 % red Kongo.

The study of the antibiofilm activity of azithromicin demonstrated that the antibiotic disturbs fixation to the abiotic surface and film formation of S. epidermidis 2265 in concentration 5.0 MIC, but doesn’t have the inhibiting effect of the formed 1-day film. It was established, that a clinical strain of epidermal Staphylococcus S. epidermidis 2265 has no ability to production of polysaccharide intercellular adhesion (РІА).

The studies demonstrated that the effect of azithromycin is directed on the primary stages of biofilm formation. It was established, that the mechanism of the effect of the antibiotic on biofilm bacteria is not conditioned by a change of the hydrophobic behavior of the bacterial surface and PIA production

Author Biographies

Nataliia Hrynchuk, Educational and Scientific Center "Institute of Biology and Medicine" of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Akademika Hlushkova ave., 2, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03127

Department of Microbiology and Immunology

Nina Vrynchanu, State Institution "Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine" Antona Tsedika str., 14, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03057

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of Laboratory

Laboratory of Antimicrobial Agents Pharmacology

Larysa Stepura, Educational and Scientific Center "Institute of Biology and Medicine" of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Akademika Hlushkova ave., 2, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03127

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Microbiology and Immunology


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How to Cite

Hrynchuk, N., Vrynchanu, N., & Stepura, L. (2018). Antibiofilm activity of azithromycin against Staphylococcus epidermidis. ScienceRise: Biological Science, (2 (11), 4–9.



Biological Sciences