Influence of forest plantations of fine-leaved linden on main properties of dark-chestnut soil of agrobiostation – botanical garden of KSU


  • Nina Tsvetkova Oles Honchar Dnipro National University Haharina str., 72, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49010, Ukraine
  • Inna Saranenko Kherson State University Universytetska str, 27, Kherson, Ukraine, 73000, Ukraine



dark-chestnut soil, fine-leaved linden, humus content, granulometric composition, рН


The aim of this work – determination of soil-transforming role of fine-leaved linden fall in forest plantations on dark-chestnut soil. 

Research materials and methods. Dark-chestnut soil was chosen as an object of our research.  For making the comparative analysis, indices of soil properties were determined in forest plantations of fine-leaved linden and in motley fescue-feather grass steppe in the period from 2014 to 2018 years at the territory of Agrobiostation-botanical garden of KSU, where two experimental plots were founded. Soil samples were taken in a layer in 0-50 cm. Fall and remains of steppe plantations were not excluded since the beginning of experiment in autumn. All laboratory studies were realized according to standard conventional methods.

 Research results. At realizing the work we established that the humus content  in dark-chestnut soil with plantations of middle-aged trees of fine-leaved linden increased by 0,13%; the steady alkaline medium formed, the granulometric (mechanical) composition changed from the light to the heavy one by the content of physical mud. The humus content in dark-chest-nut soil with motley fescue-feather grass plantations increased in 1,1 times that is 0,10 %; the light-sour medium formed, the granulometric (mechanical) composition changed from the light to the middle one by the content of physical mud.

Conclusions. Under the influence of fine-leaved linden fall dark-chestnut soil essentially improves its natural properties, but at that the environment for plants, adopted for other conditions essentially changes. Steppe plantations form the light-sour medium, so humus and calcium accumulate slowly, and magnesium – intensively.  

Dark-chestnut soil has a high absorbing capacity and is a kind of natural cleaner of biogeocenose that must be taken into account at forming urban ecosystems. The quality increase of dark-chestnut soil by biological means is recommended to be realized not only be intensifying metabolism in the system “forest-soil”, but also by strengthening accumulation processes that is increasing the total absorbing capacity of forest biogeocenose

Author Biographies

Nina Tsvetkova, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University Haharina str., 72, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49010

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor

Department of Geobotany, Soil Science and Ecology

Inna Saranenko, Kherson State University Universytetska str, 27, Kherson, Ukraine, 73000

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Ecology and Geography


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How to Cite

Tsvetkova, N., & Saranenko, I. (2018). Influence of forest plantations of fine-leaved linden on main properties of dark-chestnut soil of agrobiostation – botanical garden of KSU. ScienceRise: Biological Science, (4 (13), 31–35.



Biological Sciences