The research of litter in poultry house and use of essential oils in broiler production


  • Olga Tertychna Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of The National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine Metrolohichna str., 12, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03143, Ukraine
  • Larysa Svaliavchuk Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of The National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine Metrolohichna str., 12, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03143, Ukraine
  • Oleg Mineralov Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of The National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine Metrolohichna str., 12, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03143, Ukraine



litter, broiler production, pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, essential oils


The analysis of literary sources concerning the relevance of studying and laboratory research of litter materials in modern poultry farming is carried out. It was found that litter is not only an accumulation of pollutants, a nutrient medium for the existence of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, but can carry increasing emissions of harmful gases such as ammonia, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide in the event of a breach of the technology of poultry breeding, thus, causing a negative impact on both the poultry and the personnel of the poultry enterprises. The research confirms the effectiveness of the use of emulsions of essential oils against pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms present in litter materials of broiler production. This method in the future will allow to abandon harmful for the environment chemical means of processing of poultry waste.

Aim. Сarry out chemical and microbiological analysis of litter, investigate the bactericidal properties of essential oils.

Materials and methods. The research was carried out at the enterprises of broiler production in the Kiev region. The chemical composition and microbiological studies of litter were conducted at the «Ukrainian laboratory of quality and safety of agricultural products» and the microbiological laboratory of the Department of Ecology Ltd. "Complex Agromars" according to DSTU ISO 11885:2005 and DSTU 30726-2002. For study of bactericidal properties of essential oils according to DSTU 50474-93.

Results of research. At the initial stage of growing the poultry with the help of laboratory studies it was discovered that in the samples of litter humidity was 22,1 % and the amount of dry matter – 77,9 %. At the final stage of growing the poultry as a result of microbiological research only one sample is the presence of lactose-positive intestinal sticks in 1 g litter less than 3, which indicates its proper sanitary condition. In all samples of the studied litter there is no pathogenic microorganism of the genus Salmonella. It was investigated the bactericidal effect of 9 emulsions of essential oils in concentration of 0,5 and 1 % against microorganisms of E. coli and P. vulgaris.

Conclusions. As a result of the chemical analysis of the litter, there was shown the presence of not only chemical elements, impurities (wood sawdust and quicklime), but also the presence of organic matter in the form of crude fat, crude fiber, unsaturated extractives and amino acids with different percentages.

It has been shown that in samples of litter of broiler production, there is no pathogenic microorganism of the genus Salmonella, this testifies to the high quality of products and the satisfactory epidemiological and sanitary state of the investigated poultry enterprise.

Ther was detected the bactericidal effect of 7 of the 9 emulsions of essential oils studied as antibacterial preparations of a wide spectrum of action with a concentration of solution of 0.5 and 1 %

Author Biographies

Olga Tertychna, Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of The National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine Metrolohichna str., 12, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03143

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Senior Researcher

Department of Ecotoxicology

Laboratory Soil Rehabilitation

Larysa Svaliavchuk, Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of The National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine Metrolohichna str., 12, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03143

Postgraduate Student

Department of Ecotoxicology

Laboratory Monitoring of Agricultural Biological Resources

Oleg Mineralov, Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of The National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine Metrolohichna str., 12, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03143


Department of Ecotoxicology

Laboratory Monitoring of Agricultural Biological Resources


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How to Cite

Tertychna, O., Svaliavchuk, L., & Mineralov, O. (2018). The research of litter in poultry house and use of essential oils in broiler production. ScienceRise: Biological Science, (4 (13), 57–61.



Biological Sciences