Influence of gibberellin on the mesostructural organization of the leaf, accumulation and redistribution of assimilates and feeding elements of the gooseberry plants (Grossularia reclinat) in connection with the productivity of culture




gooseberry, gibberellins, photosynthetic apparatus, mesostructure, donor-accetor system, morphogenesis, carbohydrates, mineral nutrition elements, yield, product quality


The effect of gibberellic acid on morphogenesis, mesostructural leaf organization, accumulation and redistribution of various forms of carbohydrates, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium between the organs of gooseberry plants of the Mashenka variety in relation to the productivity of the culture has been established.

The aim of the study was to find out the peculiarities of morphogenesis, the formation of the leaf apparatus, the accumulation and redistribution of assimilates and nitrogen-containing compounds between the organs of gooseberry plants for the actions of gibberellic acid in connection with the productivity of the culture.

Materials and methods. Plants were treated once during the budding period with a 0.05 % m gibireleic acid solution during the budding phase. The carbohydrate content was determined by the iodometric method, nitrogen - by Keldahl, phosphorus - by the intensity of the formation of the phosphorus-molifbdenovogo complex, potassium - by flame-photometric, the content of chlorophylls - spectrophotometrically.

Results. Under the influence of the drug, a more powerful donor sphere was formed due to the growth of chlorenchyma due to an increase in the volume and linear dimensions of the cells of the columnar and spongy assimilation tissue. This led to enhanced assimilation, an increase in the content of non-structural carbohydrates (sugar + starch) in the shoots. Processing gibberellin contributed to the optimization of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the leaves and shoots. A significant deponuvalous capacity of the stems in the temporary redundancy of an aksimilit and gooseberry plant nutrients with the subsequent reutilization of them to the processes of carpogenesis has been established. Changes in the nature of donor-acceptor relations in gooseberry plants under the influence of gibberellic acid caused the redistribution of assimilate and nutrient fluxes from vegetative organs to fruits, and had a positive effect on the crop productivity.

Findings. The use of gibberellic acid led to the formation of a more powerful donor sphere, the accumulation and temporary deposit of the part of carbohydrates and mineral nutrients in the vegetative organs of gooseberry plants, followed by their remobilization on the need for fruit formation and growth, led to a significant increase in yield and improved the product quality

Author Biographies

Halyna Shataliuk, Mykhailo Kotsyubynsky Vinnytsya State Pedagogical University Ostrozkoho str., 32, Vinnytsya, Ukraine, 21100

Postgraduate Student

Department of biology

Volodymyr Kuryata, Mykhailo Kotsyubynsky Vinnytsya State Pedagogical University Ostrozkoho str., 32, Vinnytsya, Ukraine, 21100

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Head of Department

Department of biology


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How to Cite

Shataliuk, H., & Kuryata, V. (2019). Influence of gibberellin on the mesostructural organization of the leaf, accumulation and redistribution of assimilates and feeding elements of the gooseberry plants (Grossularia reclinat) in connection with the productivity of culture. ScienceRise: Biological Science, (1 (16), 10–13.



Biological Sciences