Study of the antiulcer activity of garden cabbage extract on the chronic acetic ulcer model in rats




cabbage, extract, antiulcer activity, omeprazole, gastroprotective properties, reparation


The aim of the study was to study the gastroprotective properties of the dry extract of garden cabbage in the model of chronic acetic ulcer in rats.

Materials and methods. Chronic ulcerative lesions of the gastric mucosa of rats were modeled by introducing 0.05 ml of a 30 % solution of acetic acid into the subserous layer of the stomach wall. The dry extract of garden cabbage in a conditionally therapeutic dose of 50 mg/kg and reference drugs omeprazole and altan were administered intragastrically for 10 days, starting from the second day of the experiment. When choosing the duration of the course of treatment, we proceeded from the data that the effectiveness of the antiulcer action in the clinic is assessed after 10-12 days of treatment. The percentage of animals with ulcers in the group, the state of the gastric mucosa were evaluated, the ulcer index and antiulcer activity were calculated. To elucidate the possible mechanism of action of the extract, we studied its effect on synthetic processes in terms of the content of RNA and DNA in homogenates of the gastric mucosa by the spectrophotometric method by reaction with perchloric acid.

Results. On the model of stomach damage, caused by acetic acid, a pronounced antiulcer activity of the extract (54.26) was established at the level of omeprazole (54.62). The maximum antiulcer activity (72.75) was revealed when using the combination of the extract with omeprazole, which, in terms of ulcerative effect, is superior to monotherapy with the extract, omeprazole and altan (35.08).

Reparative regeneration is a component of an adaptive tissue reaction; under conditions of violation of the reparative potencies of the mucosa, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract develop. Since the final goal of antiulcer therapy is the healing of the ulcer, and the basis of this process is reparative regeneration, the reparative properties of the extract have been studied. Under the influence of cabbage extract, the content of RNA and DNA in the mucosa probably increased by 2.8 and 2.4 times, respectively, at the same level with omeprazole. If possible, to activate the synthetic processes of DEGC and omeprazole, altan significantly prevailed.

The most pronounced effect of enhancing reparative processes was established with the combined use of the extract and omeprazole, which turned out to be a significant increase in the content of RNA and DNA in the gastric mucosa by 3.2 and 2.9 times compared with the control.

Conclusions. On the model of chronic damage to the stomach of rats, cabbage extract showed an antiulcer effect, the severity of which was not inferior to the comparison drug, the proton pump inhibitor omeprazole, and significantly exceeded the phytopreparation - altan. The combined use of the extract and omeprazole showed the highest preventive effect of preventing the negative effects of acetic acid on the gastric mucosa. One of the mechanisms of the gastroprotective action of the extract is its ability to enhance reparative processes in the gastric mucosa. The results obtained indicate the prospects for further research on the antiulcer properties of cabbage extract with a view to its use in the complex therapy of peptic ulcer

Author Biographies

Nadiia Kononenko, National University of Pharmacy

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department

Department of Normal and Pathological Physiology

Valentina Chikitkina, National University of Pharmacy

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Normal and Pathological Physiology

Larysa Karabut, National University of Pharmacy

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics

Olena Matviichuk, National University of Pharmacy

PhD, Assistant

Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics

Olha Vislous, National University of Pharmacy

PhD, Assistant

Department of Medical Chemistry


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How to Cite

Kononenko, N., Chikitkina, V., Karabut, L., Matviichuk, O., & Vislous, O. (2023). Study of the antiulcer activity of garden cabbage extract on the chronic acetic ulcer model in rats. ScienceRise: Biological Science, (2(35), 12–17.



Biological research