Pollution of drinking watter with salts of heavy metals and removing them from solutions by means of nanocomposites based on zirconium (ΙΥ) oxide
ions, heavy metals, lead, iron, zirconium (IV), nanocomposite, sorbent, regional standardsAbstract
Quality of human life is determined by many parameters, one of which is the quality of drinking water, because the substance must daily expose to the human body, performing many functions. Pollution of the water basin with salts of heavy metals and various hazardous and uncontrolled waste reduces the quality of natural waters, causing dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous and immune systems, provide a greater load on the liver and kidneys, brake fluid and electrolyte balance, change the rhythm and the body works, stimulate the development of cancer and autoimmune diseases, able to exert immunotoxic effect
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