Political and economic factors and pre-school education in Poland and Ukraine


  • Michal Hnatiuk Center of Vocational and Continuing Training No. 1 ul. Aleksandra Dworskiego, 99, 37-700 Przemyśll, Polska, Poland




system of education, pre-school education, legislative documents, quantitative and quality changes, political and economic factors


In the article the dependence of educational systems of Poland and Ukraine, including the pre-school education, from a political line-up are examined. The author presents basic educational documents, ratified by governments which had an influence on the reorganization of pre-school education: on the changing of types and forms of ownership of pre-school establishments, the change of maintenance of education, as well as the change of approach to the employment of teachers in the pre-school educational institutions. The statistical data has been stored. They showed quantitative changes in Polish and Ukrainian pre-school educational establishments during 2000-2015. It is admitted that concerning changes in Poland and Ukraine have caused the reduction of the amount of pre-school educational establishments, and also the amount of children in them. It is revealed in the research that the downfall tendency in the institutions of pre-school education in the last years has been halted. On the basis of analysis of scientific sources and reference books the author came to the conclusion that on changes in the pre-school establishments of Poland and Ukraine political and economic factors had had an influence

Author Biography

Michal Hnatiuk, Center of Vocational and Continuing Training No. 1 ul. Aleksandra Dworskiego, 99, 37-700 Przemyśll, Polska



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How to Cite

Hnatiuk, M. (2017). Political and economic factors and pre-school education in Poland and Ukraine. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (4 (12), 50–56. https://doi.org/10.15587/2519-4984.2017.100505



Pedagogical Education