Retrospective analysis of S. M. Trubetsky’s views on university autonomy




autonomy, academic freedoms, university, professorial corporation, collegiality, students, independence, constitutional state


There were elucidated S. Trubetsky’s views on the state order, at which it is possible to introduce autonomy and academic freedoms in universities. The aforesaid principles of functioning, organization and activity of higher educational institutions are fully introduced just in a constitutional state.

It was established, that S.M. Trubetsky in first turn considered the cultural mission of a university. The necessary conditions of autonomy must be a support from the society and responsibility for own activity. Autonomy is realized through independence and collegiality of professorial corporation, free staff policy, court of honor, electivity of all posts. S.M. Trubetsky supported student associations only for academic interests.

It was proved, that rapprochement between teachers and students is the best way for realizing the university mission and prevention of student riots. S.M. Trubetsky introduced his propagandized principles in practice: created the student historical-philological community, organized learning excursions in different countries. In 1905 he became the first elected president of Moscow University

Author Biography

Volodymyr Mokliak, Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University Ostrohradskoho str., 2, Poltava, Ukraine, 36000

PhD, Associate professor

Department of General Pedagogy and Andragogy


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How to Cite

Mokliak, V. (2017). Retrospective analysis of S. M. Trubetsky’s views on university autonomy. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (11 (19), 9–13.



Pedagogical Education