Analysis of the concept of "health" in the context of education of senior adolescents in secondary educational institutions: structure, essence




health analysis, health components, social, physical, psychic and spiritual health


The author’s paper defines the essence and structure of health and characterizes its components and signs, as a result of the theoretical analysis. Based on the analysis, generalization and systematization of scientific sources, there was theoretically analyzed the concept of “health”, defined its essence and characterized its main components and their signs. The author makes a conclusion that health is, first of all, the harmonious development of the human organism at optimal conditions, human adaptability to different life activity conditions; development of physical, social, psychic and  spiritual components in correspondence, harmony with each other. Typical features of physical, social, psychic and spiritual components of health were separated and described. There were noted the following signs of the physical component of health: good functioning of all organs, normal development and absence of diseases. The signs of the social one are friendly relations between people; good life conditions that favor health strengthening. Ones of the spiritual components are the human’s perception of the environment, life with feeling of love, sympathy and responsibility, striving for becoming better. The psychic component has such signs: positive estimation of oneself and other people by a human, ability to overcome failures, to behavior as a master of own life. It was established, that all these components are closely connected with each other

Author Biography

Alina Benkovskaya, Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University Ostrohradskoho str., 2, Poltava, Ukraine, 36000

Postgraduate student

Department of general pedagogy and androgology


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How to Cite

Benkovskaya, A. (2017). Analysis of the concept of "health" in the context of education of senior adolescents in secondary educational institutions: structure, essence. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (11 (19), 40–43.



Pedagogical Education