Discussion questions about the role of a lecture in the process of teaching the discipline "Propaedeutics of pediatrics" in the context of modern medical education
lecture, anonymous questionnaire, students, medical education, educational process, propaedeutics of pediatricsAbstract
An important task of the modern high school of Ukraine is the comprehensive improvement of the educational process, based on the best achievements of the world and national didactics. A lecture always took the leading place among the large list of forms and methods of study in higher education. However, in the context of higher education reform, the issue of the relevance of a lecture as an integral part of the educational process is being actively discussed. The purpose of the study was to determine the importance and role of a lecture in the teaching of the discipline "Propaedeutics of pediatrics" in modern medical education. 593 students of the third year of study at the Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy were anonymously questioned, among them: 377 respondents - domestic students, 170 - foreign English-speaking students and 46 - foreign Russian-speaking students. The results show that for most domestic and foreign third-year students, lectures are a compulsory form of study, and lectures on "Propaedeutics of pediatrics" are quite informative and necessary. In addition, the students highly appreciated the work of the teaching staff on the development of lectures and the level of presentation of the lecture material at the Department of Propaedeutics of Pediatric Diseases. The most frequent suggestions of both domestic and foreign students to improve the effectiveness of lectures were: to increase the number of lectures and educational information in them; cite more clinical examples from the practitioner's own experience; increase the number of videos during the class. Therefore, a lecture in the modern conditions of national higher medical education should remain the leading and necessary form of organization of the educational process. Teachers need to take into account the individual characteristics and needs of students to improve the effectiveness of the lecture material
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