Development and use of the program of automatic problem solving when conducting practical classes in physics at the university
practical lesson, software for solving problems, examples of solving physics problems, automatic problem solving in physicsAbstract
The creation of a virtual educational environment, consisting of an information space that ensures the availability of unlimited educational material through communication means, a virtual or real communication channel between a student and a teacher, increases the role of self-education, the dominance of learning over teaching. Paraphrasing [1], we can say that physics is owned not by the one who knows the formulas and definitions, but by the one who, with their help, can solve physical problems (PP). Similarly to the words of E. Fermi [2]: "A person knows physics if he/she can solve problems." The ability to solve PP contributes to the concretization of students' knowledge; without it, there is a separation of theoretical, lecture, educational material from the main task of any learning process – the practical application of accumulated knowledge and skills. Solving of PP contributes to the development of mental activity, the formation of creativity, intelligence, observation, independence and accuracy, is one of the forms of repetition, control and assessment of knowledge. At the same time, it is the solution of problems that is the most difficult element of physical education, causing methodological, didactic, psychological, and mathematical difficulties.
It is known, that along with the traditional methods of solving PP: arithmetic, algebraic, geometric, graphic, experimental, since the beginning of the 2000s, information technology, computer technology, and programs - answer books have been actively used. The traditionally difficult issue of solving problems in physics requires both the improvement of classical methods and the development of new software tools for solving problems. The paper discusses the possibilities of using computers to solve various types of physical problems, the use of a site, created by the author, with considered examples of solving more than 2500 problems in physics, a developed program for automatic solution of problems in physics (APS - automatic physics solver) during practical exercises.
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