Formation and development of the system of training speech therapy personnel (late XIX – early XXI century)
special education, history of speech therapy, speech disorders, training of personnel, speech therapistAbstract
The preparation of future speech therapists in the modern educational space is defined by processes in the socio-cultural environment, societal transformations, changes in modern mentality, and heightened requirements for the quality of professional training. The necessity to improve speech therapy training arises from disparities between second-generation state educational standards for computerization and use of information resources, and the real state of the education system. Additionally, there is a growing number of children with speech disorders, often complicated by secondary disorders. A deep historical study of the development of speech therapy training is key to understanding and improving modern educational processes, considering socio-economic, cultural, and technological factors that shape the needs and directions of speech therapy development in the future. The article highlights the history of the development of the national speech therapy education system, revealing its connection with the socio-economic structure of the country, global historical-pedagogical processes, and the level of development of defectology science. The analysis of scientific literature allows identifying general conditions for the modernization of speech therapy education, confirming that based on an in-depth study of the content and essence of the problem of forming professionalism and professional competence of future speech therapists, it is possible to develop organizational and methodical support for their development and implementation in educational and production practice according to socio-economic conditions. This article emphasizes the importance of a deep analysis of historical and modern aspects in the training of speech therapists, taking into account socio-cultural changes and technological development. Understanding the history and current state of speech therapy education is key to effectively modernizing training that meets the contemporary challenges and needs of society
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