The concept of teaching mechanical engineering students to prepare design documents in accordance with national and international standards




engineering, teaching materials, design documents, drawing, specification, standard, technical regulations


The purpose was to develop the concept of training students - mechanical engineers in the variable formatting of design documents in accordance with national and international standards and to create a set of educational and methodological materials for its implementation.

The concept envisages the development and implementation of two simultaneously taught courses covering Ukrainian and international requirements for the development and execution of design documents. It is the simultaneous teaching of these courses that makes it possible to acquire the relevant knowledge and skills and to have a unique opportunity to compare different standardisation systems for the same type of design documents in accordance with different stages of the machine life cycle.

The didactic foundations of the pedagogical process and modern principles of organising the learning process have been applied to involve the higher education seekers in mastering professional experience in the field of mechanical engineering and creating positive changes in the formation and development of the individual.

New courses have been created and teaching materials have been prepared for mechanical engineering students to study national and international regulatory frameworks and master the practical skills of their use in future professional activities related to the formatting of design documents.

The work applies a systematic approach that combines elements of the pedagogical system in conjunction with the integrity of the evolutionary development of the applicant, taking into account the dynamic state of development of the modern engineering industry at the national and international levels.

Acquiring relevant knowledge and skills by higher education seekers in design documents following national and international standards ensures an increase in their professional status and competitiveness in the Ukrainian labor market and accelerates the adaptation of Ukrainian specialists to the current conditions of globalization in mechanical engineering

Author Biographies

Viktor Kukhar, Dnipro University of Technology

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Engineering and Design in Machinery Industry

Andrii Bondarenko, Dnipro University of Technology

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor

Department of Engineering and Design in Machinery Industry


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How to Cite

Kukhar, V., & Bondarenko, A. (2024). The concept of teaching mechanical engineering students to prepare design documents in accordance with national and international standards. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (1 (58), 87–93.



Pedagogical Education