Training of future ship engineers and electricians by means of competence, communicative and interdisciplinary approaches




interdisciplinary approach, communicative approach, competence approach, training cycle, maritime English


The article examines the peculiarities of future ship engineers and electricians education by means of competence, communicative and interdisciplinary approaches;

emphasis is placed on the interdisciplinary connections of the disciplines of different cycles of training; it is underlined that the process of future seafarers education should be based on a competent, communicative and interdisciplinary approach, which will provide future specialists with efficiency in acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities.

The important competencies are defined in research by the educational goals of the competency-based approach that include knowledge and understanding (theoretical knowledge of an academic discipline, the ability to know and understand); knowledge of how to act (practical or operational application of knowledge in certain situations); knowledge of how to live (values as an integral element of perception and coexistence with others in a social context).

The interdisciplinary approach is an interdisciplinary movement of knowledge towards integrity, which involves a systematic study of the object and is a logical result of changes in each of the interacting knowledge systems, and is the source of the emergence of new trends towards their integration.

The study notes that the use of competency-based and interdisciplinary approaches contributes to the effective planning of professional training of a specialist; the analysis of the situation with the influence of interdisciplinary and competence approaches on the sequence of presentation of educational material when studying the disciplines of different training cycles allows to say that the use of these approaches contributes both to the in-depth assimilation of knowledge and skills by cadets and enriches their horizons allowing to establish relationships and interdependencies in the process of their education.

Attention is drawn to the fact that the communicative approach in studying the disciplines of the cycle of humanitarian and socio-economic education will contribute not only to communicative knowledge and skills (frequency, accuracy in formulating statements, the correct use of existing samples and the construction of one's own), but will also produce such universal skills as teamwork, creativity, flexibility, etc.

It has been proven that there is a need to apply the principles of interdisciplinary and competency-based approaches in educational and professional programs, training programs, curricula for more effective mastery of the future profession by ship engineers and electricians

Author Biography

Uliana Liashenko, Kherson State Maritime Academy


English Language Department for Marine Engineers


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How to Cite

Liashenko, U. (2024). Training of future ship engineers and electricians by means of competence, communicative and interdisciplinary approaches. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education.



Pedagogical Education