Role of zoomorphic phraseologisms in formation of linguocultural content of language education of the future philologists


  • Світлана Іванівна Клименко Employment and post: school number 312 Kashtanovaia str., 12, Kiev, Ukraine, 02225, Ukraine



linguocultural aspect, zoomorphic phraseologisms in the content of language, communicative competence, eurointegrational approach, intercultural communication


In the article is considered a possibility to raise the cultural level of speech skills and abilities of students (future teachers-philologists) with its further use within the multicultural space as an important mean of intercultural communication and competence approach using the phraseological fund of language. Taking into account the role of animals in the formation of speech content, we not only define the nationally-marking stereotypes but also find the common and different features in the phraseological system of the different languages that gives grounds for the study of both native and foreign language in the conditions of differentiated teaching for overcoming the difference between the two language systems.

The topicality of this problem is conditioned by the many-sided processes of modernization and eurointegration in the sphere of professional higher education, where the priority belongs to the study of languages as a mean of intercultural communication within the conversational-business speech. That is why the subject of our research is a ratio between zoomorphic phraseologisms of Ukrainian and English as one of the preconditions of the students’ communicative competence

Author Biography

Світлана Іванівна Клименко, Employment and post: school number 312 Kashtanovaia str., 12, Kiev, Ukraine, 02225



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How to Cite

Клименко, С. І. (2016). Role of zoomorphic phraseologisms in formation of linguocultural content of language education of the future philologists. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (6 (2), 4–8.



Pedagogical Education