Managing the implementation of europеаn civic education practices in Ukraine


  • Наталія Іванівна Клокар State Higher Education Institution “University of Education Management” NAPS of Ukraine Artema str., 52-a, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04053, Ukraine



competences, development, civic, model, management, implementation, conditions, stages, programs, cooperation


Dynamic changes in Ukrainian society urge to find effective ways to raise a new citizen of the state. Learning and implementing the best European experience of civic competences presented in the article by Swiss – Ukrainian project “Development of civic competencies in Ukraine” is timely. Successfull execution of tasks depends on the effective use of scientific approaches to managing the implementation of such practice.

Project implementation management model based on the conceptual basis of management as a science, determines organizational - pedagogical conditions for its implementation, stages of implementation and predictable results and monitor the quality of the work. The article justified the basic tasks of managing the implementation of the Project in Ukraine. An important factor in achieving the goals of the Project is scientifically - grounded approach to implementation management, based on the basic principles of democracy. Achieving predictable results involves creating appropriate organizational - pedagogical conditions of implementation of the Project: normative - legal, educational - methodical support, staffing, cooperation between educational institutions in the community at different levels, logistical and financial support. Stages of implementation provide training and preparatory phase, the phase of mass adoption & study the results.

The results of implementation of the proposed model in regional education systems of Ukraine confirmed its efficiency and the possibility to use it for managing the implementation of other innovative projects in education

Author Biography

Наталія Іванівна Клокар, State Higher Education Institution “University of Education Management” NAPS of Ukraine Artema str., 52-a, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04053

Doctor of Education, Professor

Civil Service and Education Management Department


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How to Cite

Клокар, Н. І. (2016). Managing the implementation of europеаn civic education practices in Ukraine. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (6 (2), 31–38.



Pedagogical Education