Intellectual skills as a factor of forming professional mobility of future qualified specialists in machinery construction


  • Liliia Sushentseva National University Lviv Polytechnic S. Bandery str., 12, Lviv, Ukraine, 79013, Ukraine



mobility, professional mobility, person, qualified worker, machinery construction, intellectual skills


In the article was determined the fact that success in professional activity, attainment of professional tops depends on internal and external preconditions. The internal preconditions are highly-developed general and special skills, emotional-volitional features, formation of professionally important qualities and education of human. The external preconditions are the influence of socio-economic and professional environment. Inclusion of future qualified worker in labor activity generates formation and manifestation of such personal quality as professional mobility that is necessary under conditions of the modern labor market.

The essence of professional mobility in pedagogical theory and practice was grounded. It was proved, that professional mobility is an integrated personal quality, necessary for successful life activity under conditions of the modern labor market and provides readiness of qualified worker to the change of realized professional tasks, working place, ability to master new specialties fast.

It was determined, that intellectual skills favor the formation of professional mobility of future qualified worker of machinery construction. They are some kind of reference point that provides the application of methods of actions under concrete conditions of professional task. Moreover this application is not realized automatically, it provides certain intellectual actions, directed on the change of the state of object or its properties. Having been fixed in time, these actions are transformed into intellectual skills, manifested in changed conditions of labor activity, in which structure the main place is occupied by the subject action, directed on the labor object, labor instrument, model and so on

Author Biography

Liliia Sushentseva, National University Lviv Polytechnic S. Bandery str., 12, Lviv, Ukraine, 79013

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Pedagogy and Social Management


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How to Cite

Sushentseva, L. (2017). Intellectual skills as a factor of forming professional mobility of future qualified specialists in machinery construction. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (3 (11), 36–40.



Pedagogical Education