The study of PS biocomplex as a promising antimicrobial preservative in compositions of medicinal and cosmetic products
surfactants, PS biocomplex, antimicrobial preservatives, emulsions, remedies, cosmetic productsAbstract
Aim. Research of efficiency of PS biocomplex as an antimicrobial preservative in composition of medicinal and cosmetic products, as well as determination of its active concentration as a preservative in emulsion systems of various types.
Methods. Methods of information search, literature data analysis, microbiological and technological methods were used.
Results. To study preserving ability of PS biocomplex and to compare its activity with the known preservatives, emulsion-type bases o/w and w/o were used. Ten emulsions of each type with different concentration of PS biocomplex were developed, as well as its consistent use with parabens, sodium benzoate, benzalkonium chloride and silver nanoparticles.
PS biocomplex in studied concentrations ranging from 0.025 % to 0.1 % shows effectiveness as a preservative. However, in concentrations of 0.025 and 0.05 % it can be used as a preservative only in w/o emulsions type with low content of aqueous phase. The use of PS biocomplex in concentration of 0.1 % meets pharmacopoeial criteria to the effectiveness of antimicrobial preservatives for emulsions of both types.
The simultaneous use of PS biocomplex with other preservatives can reduce the concentration of the latter in of emulsion products composition, due to increase of preserving activity of the studied emulsions.
Conclusion. Results of research of PS biocomplex preserving activity show prospects of its further study as an antimicrobial preservative aiming to implement in of medicinal and cosmetic products manufacture, that will help to expand the range of excipients for skin application products
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Copyright (c) 2017 Iryna Pelekh, Nadia Dilai, Svitlana Bilous, Rosa Vildanova, Oleksandr Shulha

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