Assessment of the state of the epidemiological situation of lymphogranulomatosis in different regions of Ukraine as an important component in the development of directions for improvement of pharmaceutical support of oncohematological patients
epidemiology of lymphogranulomatosis, epidemiology of Hodgkin's disease, morbidity, lymphomas, Hodgkin's lymphoma, lymphogranulomatosis, oncohematology, oncoepidemiology, mortality, Hodgkin's diseaseAbstract
The aim: to conduct epidemiological studies of the morbidity and mortality of the population from lymphogranulomatosis in the regions of the country in dynamics over the years and to identify regions of the country that require special attention in the process of early detection of this pathology and effective pharmaceutical provision of patients.
Materials and methods. The object of the research was the official data of the National Cancer Registry from 2012-2019. The research used both general theoretical (historical, analytical and comparative, systemic, graphic, logical, hypothetical-deductive) and applied (mathematical-statistical, epidemiological) methods of research.
Results. It has been established that the average morbidity and mortality rates of the population from lymphogranulomatosis in Ukraine exceed similar world data (morbidity/mortality – 2.3/0.4 for men and 1.9/0.3 for women per 100 thousand population). Thus, the calculated morbidity rates were 2.5, and the mortality rate was 0.7 per 100 thousand population. It has been proved that morbidity and mortality rates by region varied in a significant range of values, namely, morbidity – from 1.8 (Transcarpathian region) to 3.0 (Kyiv), and mortality – from 0.4 (Cherkasy region) to 0.9 (Ivano-Frankivsk, Kyiv, Chernivtsi regions) per 100 thousand population. According to the results of the grouping, most regions of the country (14 regions and Kyiv city) were assigned to the group of extremely unfavourable (group D) development of the epidemiological situation in terms of lymphogranulomatosis. Ivano-Frankivsk region was attributed to the group of unfavourable (group C) development of this process. Four (Transcarpathian, Vinnytsia, Zhytomyr and Kherson) regions were included in the group of favourable (group A) development of the epidemiological situation. The group of relatively favourable (group B) – three areas. These are the Volyn, Chernigov and Cherkasy regions.
Conclusions. The presence of an extremely unfavourable (14 regions and Kyiv city) and unfavourable (Ivano-Frankivsk region) onco-epidemiological situation necessitates the development and implementation of regional programs for the early detection of lymphogranulomatosis and the provision of patients with affordable and effective anticancer drugs in accordance with the existing resource provision at the level of regions and local communitiesReferences
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