Pharmacognostic study of cetraria islandica (L.) Ach. thalli made in Ukraine
Cetraria islandica, morphological structure, anatomical structure, total polyphenols, flavonoids, carboxylic acidsAbstract
The aim was to conduct a pharmacognostic study of C. islandica thalli harvested in Ukraine.
Material and methods. The study included seven series of C. islandica thalli harvested in Ukraine. Pharmacognostic research was conducted by using generally accepted methods. Quantitative determination of total polyphenols was performed by a spectrophotometric method in terms of pyrogallol and dry raw materials following the requirements of the SPhU 2.0 monograph. The component composition of flavonoid compounds and carboxylic acids was performed by HPLC.
Results. The pharmacognostic study of 7 series of the C. islandica raw materials was performed. Morphometric parameters were determined, including the fractional composition according to the size of thalli in each series. For the first time, fractions of the mineral and foreign organic matter were separated. The content of mineral foreign matter ranged from 0.22 ± 0.01 % to 2.80 ± 0.12 %; the content of organic foreign matter ranged from 0.15 ± 0.01 % to 2.14 ± 0.11 %. Due to the total foreign matter content, 6 series of the raw materials fulfilled the requirements of the SPhU 2.0 monograph. The accordance of morphological and anatomical description of the series to the requirements of the SPhU 2.0 monograph is shown. New distinctive diagnostic features of the morphological structure were found, namely: coalescence of blades with forming a membrane and branching of cilia along the edge of blades. For the first time for the series of raw materials harvested in Ukraine, the quantitative content of the sum of polyphenols in terms of pyrogallol and dry raw materials was determined, which ranged from 1.21 ± 0.05 % to 1.73 ± 0.04 %. For the first time for C. islandica thalli, the presence of flavonoid compounds: quercetin, luteolin, kaempferol and rutin, and carboxylic acids: sinapic, trans-cinnamic and quinic acids was determined.
Conclusions. The obtained results can be used as a basis for the relevant sections of the national part of the monograph "Cetraria Iceland" in SPhU 2.0
Supporting Agency
- National University of Pharmacy
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