Macroscopic and microscopic analysis of Alfredia nivea KAR. & KIR herb
Alfredia nivea, medicinal plant raw material, morphological and anatomical signs, standardizationAbstract
Kazakhstan flora is rich in promising little-studied plants that are used in folk medicine, but additional deep research is required for their introduction into medical practice with the help of modern scientific techniques. An interesting object for introduction into the official medical and pharmaceutical practice is the Alfredia Nivea Kar. & Kir, family Asteraceae, whose extracts have a neurotropic effect.
The aim. Regarding mentioned above, in order to create new medicines based on the grass of the Alfredia nivea, it is necessary to develop methods of its macro and microscopic identification.
Materials and methods. Macro- and microscopic studies of the grass of Alfredia nivea were carried out in accordance with the methodology of SPhU 2.8.23 "Microscopic examination of medicinal vegetable raw materials". Macroscopic studies were performed using magnifying glass and binocular microscope MBS-9, microscopic-using MS Microscopes 10 (eyepiece X5, X10, X15, lenses x10, x40), micromed XS-4130 (WF15X, Opera, lens X40/0, 65, x10/0,25) with microphoto addon (China).
Results. The morphological and anatomical features of the Alfredia nivea grass. Diagnostic features of the structure of stems, leaves and flowers of this species were revealed.
Conclusions. The macroscopic and anatomical identification parameters of the grass of the Alfredia of Snow. The study of the morphological and anatomical features of the stems, leaves and flowers of Alfredia nivea, considering the requirements of European pharmacopoeia. Diagnostic features of the structure of stems, leaves and flowers of the species were found, which were used as key quality indicators for standardization and identification of raw materials
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Copyright (c) 2023 Almat Rustemkulov, Tetiana Gontova, Balzhan Makhatova, Aisana Rustemkulova, Nadezhda Gemedzhieva, Aizhamal Shormanova, Galyna Starchenko, Ain Raal, Ubaidilla Datkhaev, Oleh Koshovyi

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