Sociological research of the men’s androgenic alopecia problem




psychodermatology, psychotrichology androgenic alopecia, sociological research, questionnaires, pharmacotherapy, dermatocosmetic products


Diseases of the skin and its appendages currently occupy one of the leading places in terms of prevalence. In addition, today the relationship between dermatopathologies and the psychoemotional state of people and vice versa is clearly monitored. Psychodermatology is engaged in the study of exactly this regularity. One of the most common trichological diseases is androgenic alopecia, which is characterized by excessive hair loss under the influence of androgens in individuals with a hereditary predisposition. Androgenic alopecia is often accompanied by secondary mental disorders, which significantly impair the quality of people’s life. It is relevant to conduct sociological research of this problem among men of all age groups. Such research will reveal the level of influence of androgenic alopecia on the psychoemotional state of men who may be potential consumers of medicines and dermatocosmetics.

The aim of the work was to conduct a sociological study to establish the impact of androgenic alopecia on the psychoemotional state of men and their readiness for pharmacotherapy.

Materials and methods. Sociological research was conducted from 01.03.2019 to 31.08.2019 by surveying 150 men aged 18 to 66. Respondents were visitors to pharmacies in the Ivano-Frankivsk and Chernivtsi regions of Ukraine, who gave written consent to participate in the survey. Only persons with visible manifestations of androgenic alopecia according to the Norwood scale were included in the survey. All respondents were divided into the following age groups: from 18 to 20 years old, from 21 to 30 years old, from 31 to 40 years old, from 41 to 50 years old, from 51 to 60 years old, from 61 years old and older. The distribution was carried out to segment the target market. The results of the study were displayed as percentages with 95 % confidence intervals. Statistical analysis was performed using R version 4.1.2 (R Core Team (2021).

The results. According to the results of the sociological study, 48.7 % of interviewed men consider that androgenic alopecia is a problem which can affect the emotional state and, so, the quality of life. As a result, about 90 % of the respondents indicated that they need to expand the assortment of effective remedies to solve this problem on the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine, of which 36.7 % are ready to pay for a course of effective pharmacotherapy from 200 to 500 hryvnias.

Conclusions. The obtained results confirm that androgenic alopecia has a negative effect on the psychoemotional state of men and worsens their quality of life. To solve the problem of androgenic alopecia, men are interested in using effective medicinal or dermatocosmetic products

Author Biographies

Mariana Fedorovska, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor

Department of Pharmacу and Pharmacology

Inna Yarema, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

PhD, Assistant

Department of Pharmaceutical Management, Drug Technology and Pharmacognosy

Anna Sinichenko, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University

PhD, Аssistant

Department of Pharmaceutical Management, Technology of Drugs and Pharmacognosy

Olena Hlushchenko, O. Bogomolets National Medical University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Pharmaceutical and Industrial Technology of Medicines

Oksana Strus, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Drug Technology and Biopharmaceutics


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Sociological research of the men’s androgenic alopecia problem




How to Cite

Fedorovska, M., Yarema, I., Sinichenko, A., Hlushchenko, O., & Strus, O. (2024). Sociological research of the men’s androgenic alopecia problem. ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science, (2 (48), 29–35.



Pharmaceutical Science