Results of the integrated ABC/VEN/frequency analysis of the s01e “antiglaucoma drugs and miotics” group medicines use by indicators of expenses, vital necessity and frequency of use
pharmacoeconomic analysis, ABC/VEN/frequency analysis, antiglaucoma drugs, expensiveness, vital necessity, prescription frequencyAbstract
Pharmacotherapy efficiency for ophthalmology patients with primary open angle glaucoma depends both on pathological process features and physician’s qualification, and on the ability of funds rising to purchase antiglaucoma drugs, as well. One of the pharmaceutical provision optimization mechanisms for the given group of patients is the implementation of the formulary system and mandatory health insurance.
Aim. To substantiate the economic feasibility of including antiglaucoma drugs into the formulary and insurance lists using complex ABC/VEN/frequency analysis.
Materials and methods. The analysis of 758 prescriptions of antiglaucoma drugs for patients having primary open angle glaucoma, which were on the dispensary in hospitals of Vinnitsa region, was carried out.
Results. The ABC-analysis showed that 21% of drugs are the most expendable, while 55% of drugs of the studied group accounted for only 5% of the cost. The VEN-analysis results show that the group of the essential AGD is the most numerous – 82.25%. The complex ABC/VEN analysis allowed determination of the essential and necessary AGD with the highest and mean indexes of POAG pharmacotherapy, which share is 34.48%. During frequency analysis it was determined that 82.76% of POAG treatment schemes contained the essential drugs. Expert estimation data of the expediency of AGD implementation into the formulary and insurance lists, which partially did not corresponded the State formulary content, indicate the necessity to attract more professionals of the certain heath care sector for development of the lists mentioned above.
Conclusion. The data, obtained in result of the ABC/VEN/frequency analysis of AGD use, show the necessity of pharmacotherapy optimization for patients having POAG, based on the results of complex pharmacoeconomic studies, under conditions of reforming health care system concerning the insurance medicine implementation in UkraineReferences
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