Development of the method for qualitative analysis of shepherd’s purse herb to be included into the state pharmacopoea of ukraine draft national monograph
the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine, Shepherd’s purse herb, flavonoids, hydroxycinnamic acids, amino acidsAbstract
Shepherd’s purse herb is described in the State Pharmacopoeia of the USSR XI edition, the British Pharmacopoeia (BHP, 1996 «Shepherd´s Purse»), French Pharmacopoeia (Pharmacopee Francaise, 1998 «Bourse A Pasteur»), and German Pharmaceutical Codex (DAC Monograph 2004 «Hirtentäschelkraut»). Previously, it was reported that the modern methods for identification of biologically active compounds of Shepherd’s purse herb were absent in the State Pharmacopoeia of the USSR XI edition, but identification was carried out by external and microscopic diagnostic features.
Aim. Development of methods, harmonized with the SPhU requirements to herbal material, for identification of Shepherd’s purse herb using TLC method, for implementation to the Draft national Monograph “Shepherd’s purse herb”.
Methods. To achieve the mentioned goal, standardized methods of analysis of phenol compounds and amino acids by TLC method, described in the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine monographs, were used.
Results. Concerning chemical composition, medicinal use, and approaches to standardization, the following classes of compounds were selected for TLC identification: flavonoids, hydroxycinnamic acids, and amino acids. Development of the methods was carried out together with their validation according to the SPhU general article requirements.
Conclusion. Premise for “Identification” partition development for implementation to the SPhU Monograph “Shepherd’s purse herb” was substantiated. TLC methods for identification of flavonoids together with both hydroxycinnamic acids and amino acids, were developed. The analysis of different samples of Shepherd’s purse herb was carried out under the developed methods conditions. The possibility of including of “Identification C” flavonoids identification and “Identification D” amino acids identification into the Draft national Monograph “Shepherd’s purse herb” using TLC by the developed methods was confirmed
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